I heard somebody say the other day that New Year's Resolutions are going out of style. Really? Well- I beg to differ, because this is the first year that I've actually made a few Resolutions....and by george, I'm going to stick to them.
But you know? Several of my resolutions are things that I've needed to start doing (or stop doing) for a long time now. It's sort of sad to me that we wait until the start of something new to make some changes in our lives. Do you do that? I can think of so many times when I've needed to change something....but instead of doing it right then, I think, "Oh, school starts in 2 weeks. I'll start then." There are a million versions of this same excuse. And that's exactly what we do, isn't it? Make excuses?
Really......there are no good reasons to put off a change-for-the-better.
So here's the plan, Stan:
-Are you wanting to lose weight? Well, go run. Right now. Get off the computer.
-Do you wish you knew God better? Or that you spent more time in His word? DO IT. You know you have free time sometime in your week. Don't lie to me.
What in your life do you wish were different?
I think it's about time that we quit sitting around just wishing that our lives were different, don't you? Let's make some changes right now, people. Don't wait till summer starts, or until you're older, or until Monday.
I'm tired of being a slave to my own laziness/complacency. So I say NO MAS!
Let's be the people God created us to be.
No regrets.